Ray Marching Signed Distance Fields

This is my first attempt in real-time rendering of a procedurally generated terrain:


The terrain is generated from 3D Perlin Noise. It is converted to a signed distance field using Danielsson’s distance transform and stored in a 3D texture of size 256x256x256 on the GPU. The scene is rendered directly from the distance field, applying third-order texture filtering to improve the quality.

You can download the demo (Windows, x64) here. The source code is in my github repository.

3 thoughts on “Ray Marching Signed Distance Fields

  1. Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he actually bought me lunch as I found it for him smile Thus let me rephrase that Thanks for lunch! dckkecgdkdgk

  2. Hey esto es un gran poste. Puedo utilizar una porcin en ella en mi sitio? Por supuesto ligara a su sitio as que la gente podra leer el artculo completo si ella quiso a. Agradece cualquier manera. edcdgdeaegfd

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